Saturday, August 3, 2019

Consumer and Organisational Buying Behaviour Assignment :: Business and Management Studies

Consumer and Organisational Buying Behaviour Assignment Choose two adverts from the press (newspapers or Magazines) one of a high involvement good and the other of a low involvement good. Compare them while identifying the various techniques used in consumer behaviour to communicate the message. You may contact the producers of the advert. High Involvement Good: Residence Relevant Advert: Ad for Apartment in Tigne’ Point. Low Involvement Good: International Telephone service Relevant Advert: Ad for OneVoice Low-cost International phone cards International phone calls are nowadays an everyday necessity for many people living in the Western world, whether for business purposes or to keep in touch with partners, friends or relatives abroad. This is especially so in Malta since practically every Maltese person living here has relatives who have emigrated, a substantial expatriate community exists and because of the small size of the island and total absence of most raw materials, almost every kind of business necessitates frequent international phone calls. Besides, as the OneVoice advert I have chosen clearly demonstrates, international phone calls have become as affordable (and as necessary) to many people living in Malta as low cost basic food stuffs and drinks. Hence in Malta one can now consider an international phone call service as a low involvement good since most people living locally have to resort to it quite frequently and do not think much about it beyond selecting a cheap, reliable, value for money service. The OneVoice advert thus makes quite a huge issue of price and implied value for money by publicizing the cheapest rate very prominently against a bright red background and stating the service’s other desirable features against a bright green eye-catching background. The advert in fact has just the right mix of the saturated colours green, yellow, cyan, orange and red to capture attention without overwhelming people and causing visual fatigue. There is also an adequate amount of blue which is considered a rather relaxing colour associated with class and high quality and with the limitlessness and peace of sky and water. This mix of various, bright colours (a) ensures that every potential client’s tastes is, somehow, catered for at least visually (b) is locally associated with festive seasons (Christmas, Carnival, summertime) spring, fun and plenty and so gives a certain â€Å"feel good† factor to using OneVoice even though at the end of the day OneVoice is just another basic international telephone service. Conversely no indication of price range is given in the advert for Tigne’ Point properties although it is obvious that it is aimed at the international yachting community and other extremely affluent, rather

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