Saturday, August 24, 2019

Operation management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Operation management - Essay Example A comparison of Toyota and IKEA has highlighted that different companies have different styles of working and operating the end results of these can have a different affects on the business. It is clear that although the companies have different styles of working and different approaches to almost every decision making in the company, the success levels of the two companies has been recognized and known world – wide. In terms of the strategy the two companies have been recognized to be very different as Toyota has relatively much lower options of products but IKEA on the other hand has many products hence the costs of the company is also relatively quite high. Considering the innovativeness of the companies, the two companies need to have equally high levels of innovativeness. The two companies have also concentrated on the quality levels which in turn leaves the two companies highly successful. The redesigned process flow chart helps ensure that the customers are satisfied and there is a complete level of an effective and efficient process rather than having a process which seems very confused. In conclusion it is safe to say that the continuous improvements like that suggested by all authors, the companies will be able to have much better, effective and efficient quality management programs in the workplaces. Quality is one of the most essential aspects of every business and the success of a b usiness is directly impacted by the quality of the processes, products and services. Hence it is essential for businesses to recognise and choose the right theory to be applied for the business or the right combination of the various theories that will benefit the

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