Sunday, August 25, 2019

History- World War I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

History- World War I - Essay Example Since we consider these aspects as the reasons why WWI is worthy to be called a world war let us examine what was recorded and evaluate them relative to other great wars. Foremost, WWI was fought in different areas and has involved, either directly or indirectly, more countries than any other wars in Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world. Main action of the war occurred in Europe but parallel events also occurred in Africa, Middle East, and the Pacific. The main actions of the war were in the Western Front which stretched in an unbroken line of trenches from the English Channel to the Swiss frontier. The other side, the Eastern Front is fought between the Russians and German forces. Unlike any previous wars where only warring countries were involved, WWI included about sixteen countries with considerable armies mobilized to participate in the wars on either sides of the conflict. More than sixteen countries supported the Allied Forces lead by Britain, France, Italy, Russia, and the United States who joined the conflict later. In the other hand, the Central Powers included Germany, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria. The war unfolded during the height of the Industrial Revolution in the beginning of the 20th century and the contribution of the advancement in science and technology added up to the magnitude of the war. As Badsey stated in his article â€Å"The Western Front and the Birth of Total War† published in the BBC website the war made possible the mobilization of large troops due to the advancement of railways and steamships. The use of automatic machine guns, advanced explosives, and chemical warfare were unveiled for the first time. The aircraft technology was also fully used for air raids and bombings. Unique to WWI is also the application of trench warfare for the first time, which was considered one of the reasons for greater war casualties since position and lines of forces were heavily

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